LoveCourageSelf-ControlHopeFaithIntegrityHonourforms the basis of the value system we teach

Imagine a world where kids who've been dealt a tough hand get a chance to become awesome, responsible adults. That's what the i4118 Foundation is all about! We're a Christian organization with a big mission: to stop the cycle of hurt and violence by giving vulnerable kids mentors who will be there for the long haul.

These mentors help young people see their own worth and treat others with respect, no matter where they come from. It's like a ray of hope shining through the clouds, just like it says in Isaiah 41:18 – bringing new life and hope to those who need it most!

We believe that through long-term character-building mentorship we can nurture a future generation who will be committed to positive family and community values.


We are a registered:

  • Non-Profit Company 2016/484250/08
  • PBO 930057134


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